Henry Williams

Marketing | Content Creation | Strategy | Brand Development @Linkedin

Inside Henry: Always up for a challenge -
From sports to business I have always had the drive to push the boundaries and constantly learn and improve. Through travel, University and personal business escapades I have developed my skills giving me a broad spectrum knowledge making me quick to think on my feet; something crucial for Marketing and Business as a whole.
Check out all some of my achivements below!

Ecommerce Achievements
| My Brands

Shopify - Starting my Ecommerce businesses I found the best/most friendly platform to get my kickstarters off the ground was Shopify. Check out my stores below ⬇️

Evo Cycles - Projects

2021 - Evo Cycles Marketing Coordinator and Communications Strategist.
Social media has grown to be one of the most cost effective and powerful marketing tools to grab the auidences attention.

Here is some of the content I have shot, highlighting some key brands to build hype!

Reels - Video Creation

Evo Cycles - Events

2021 - Evo Cycles Events and Collaborations.
Pushing events and collaborations was a huge part of the the role. This included working with International companies and.

Here are some of the collaborations I have done recently.

Recent Events

Evo Cycles - collaborations

Evo Cycles Marketing Coordinator and Communications Strategist.
Beyond social media content creations I worked with internatioanl brands developing giveaway and influencer camapigns to boost social presence.

Giveaway - Micro-influencer campaigns

Evo Cycles - Social activation campaigns

Get in touch

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